Fall in Love Campaign — Dalziel & Company

D&Co aligns client experience, leadership, branding, marketing and business management resources for your impactful and sustainable growth. Subscribe to Refine by founder Jessica Dalziel for even more personal insights.

Fall in Love Campaign

Fall in Love Campaign

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It's been a wild couple of years for the entire world.

From a professional standpoint we've faced layoffs, uncertainty, burnout, massive shifts to working remotely, working whilst parenting, conference call fatigue, working whilst homeschooling, budget cuts, more uncertainty, working two jobs for the price of one, disconnection, isolation, & more burnout. The list goes on. We have felt powerless. Unsure.

Now is the time for that to change. Approximately 41% of the workforce is thinking about handing in their notice. People have learned from these trials and tribulations over the last year and are ready to take the control back.

Work in a place they enjoy. Or work for people that realize employees have a life outside of work. Find their purpose. Or even make the leap to work for themselves.

D&Co is launching our Fall In Love campaign to remind you of all the ways to fall in love with your work again.

explore the campaign

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Feeling in a slump?

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