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#MotivationMonday Tip No. 12

#MotivationMonday Tip No. 12


In the US, we have made it through the first week or so working remotely. Although my typical everyday life hasn’t dramatically changed (because I work remotely already), it has been very strange not leaving my home at all. For me, it has felt like one very, very long continuous day. Kind of like that timeframe in between Christmas and New Year when you don’t know what day it is but you’re just carrying on. Except maybe without the fun holiday cheer.

Anyway, for today’s post I thought today it would be nice to tap into my Peer Advisory Group to see if they had any words of encouragement to share & help keep you going. I hope you find some inspiration and comfort in these posts! If you have any thoughts to share yourself, please don’t hesitate to post a comment. We’re all in this together and we will all get through this, together.

Keep with your routines... just because we’re working and doing everything from home right now doesn’t mean we can’t keep our routines. Set the alarm, workout, eat meals at your usual times, connect with friends via video chat or messenger, connect with your partner (especially make time to do this). Send love to your neighbors, especially folks who might be feeling especially isolated.

Extra encouragement: get some chalk and write a positive message on the sidewalk in front of your residence... be a positive light to others.

Sending properly socially distanced hugs your way -
— Dortha

If you need encouragement in starting or keeping your fitness going? Join Dortha here.

A few quick tips about working from home from D&Co founder, Jess:

  •  If your office has multiple time zones try to stick to a set number of working hours or you can easily see 12 hours pass by answering emails and that leads to burnout,.

  • Actually schedule time in your calendar to work on what you need to do. That way (hopefully!) people won’t over book you and you can use the time to focus on what you need to do.

  • Kind of goes with Point 2, but it’s super easy to get distracted on conference calls and stop paying attention. And I don’t necessarily mean checking FB or IG. It’s really easy to do other work when you’re on conference calls. So a few sub-points here:

    • Try to stay focused on the call if you can.

    • Send agendas in advance to ensure you can try to accomplish those goals.

    • And, lastly as just polite etiquette if you ask someone something kindly state their name first and preemptively rephrase your question so they aren’t caught like a deer in the headlights.

  • Last but certainly not least, if an email would suffice instead of a call please try that first. People are being bombarded with communications on their phones, emails, chats (e.g. Teams, Slack, etc.) as they navigate and adjust to this remote working setup.

From the owner of Studio for Mindfulness:

This comes from Dale Carngie from his 1948 book ‘How to Stop Worrying and Start Living’. In it, he talks about taking life one day at a time. He tells readers that you should only think about life in terms of what you are going to do between now and bedtime, that’s it. Don’t worry about what you are going to do in the summer, next month, next week, whatever. Just focus on the day at hand. Said in Latin is Carpe Diem~ Seize the Day. It’s a play on mindfulness, if you think about it. It’s an expansion of living in the moment only time spread out a bit. Focus on today, and that’s all.
— Erin

The lovely founder and Principal Consultant of Ratliff Consulting and creator of AskEAnything shares with us:

My tip for staying motivated when you are locked up like a caged animal is to make sure and get a change of scenery at least a couple times a day - but once an out is better. Get up and walk around your space. Even go outside and take a deep breath. When you are used to working in an office you have physical meetings to be in, people to visit at their desks or offices, coffee breaks and lunch. Do not underestimate the value a change of scenery can bring.
— Elizabeth

Don’t forget to catch our Virtual Happy Hour tomorrow at 5pm EST or Thursday, March 26 at 4pm EST! No real agenda, just some personal connection from around the world! Totally free! Just email me to sign up: jessica@dalziel.co

Peer Advisory Group Member Spotlight: Heather

Peer Advisory Group Member Spotlight: Heather

#MotivationMonday Tip No. 11: Online events while under quarantine

#MotivationMonday Tip No. 11: Online events while under quarantine