D&Co aligns client experience, leadership, branding, marketing and business management resources for your impactful and sustainable growth. Subscribe to Refine by founder Jessica Dalziel for even more personal insights.

June: Goals (recap)

June: Goals (recap)

During this month’s session, D&Co founder Jess led a presentation that was focused on goals, ensuring they are tied back to our vision. In an earlier post, we shared this graphic that shows how vision & purpose feeds into your mission, which feeds into your goals and ultimately each tactical action that you execute for your business. If you flip this and start from the ground up you can rest assured that each action you’re taking contributes toward a specific goal, which contributes to your mission and ultimate vision.

Sound confusing? It doesn’t need to be. In short, working in this fashion ensures that every action you are taking contributes to your mission and takes you a step closer toward your vision. Join the D&Co Peer Advisory Group to watch the playback of June’s session — only live for the next week!! (Platinum members can always access any historical videos!).

July:  Authoring your way to a stronger brand

July: Authoring your way to a stronger brand

May:  Growth

May: Growth