D&Co aligns client experience, leadership, branding, marketing and business management resources for your impactful and sustainable growth. Subscribe to Refine by founder Jessica Dalziel for even more personal insights.

#MotivationMonday Tip No. 8

#MotivationMonday Tip No. 8

This week's #MotivationMonday post is a little different. This time I'm turning the tables and going to seek YOUR help, support -- and motivation! 

In full disclosure, I have been struggling with my own branding. But wait, Jessica - isn't that what you do for your clients? Yup. Absolutely is. And for them, the path to success is so clear to me that I can literally lay out a play by play of what they should focus on and where they are uniquely positioned in the market. Applying that same thinking to D&Co lately feels like I'm trying to open up my eyes underwater, at night. 

Without going into extensive detail, my business has evolved a bit over the past five years and I've been working to better articulate some of these shifts that have happened. When I started, D&Co was all about accessibility. Small businesses having access to premium services at fair prices (e.g. the agency for small businesses strategically leveraging the gig economy). After some time & many clients, I’ve shifted that focus less on the executing and more on deepening a business owner’s understanding of their business. I suppose ‘accessibility’ is still a theme and it’s making me feel like I want to go back to those roots to some extent.

I completely recognize (now on a personal level!) what the impact is when you feel like you are floundering around to describe the ‘value’ you’re adding. It becomes impossible to make decisions about your business, ultimately leading to a personal lack of motivation to start a conversation up (e.g. inconsistent messaging!). So here it goes, now I’m looking to you!

Have you ever experienced a (brand) identity crisis?
Did you rebrand?
Pivot your business model?
Did you lose clients?
Did you struggle to stay consistent?

How did you find clarity again?

Please comment below and share your experience. I hope to continue sharing these transparent thoughts on this journey.

#MotivationMonday Tip No. 9: COVID-19

#MotivationMonday Tip No. 9: COVID-19

#MotivationMonday Tip No. 7: Prioritization

#MotivationMonday Tip No. 7: Prioritization