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#MotivationMonday Tip No. 4

#MotivationMonday Tip No. 4

A topic that has been coming up in several of the D&Co Peer Advisory Group cohorts is burnout. It’s no secret that many larger corporations will do whatever it takes to improve their bottom line and sometimes the result is leaning a little too heavily on high performers. Some small business owners will often times work ‘round the clock to make forward progress trying to find to work in their business and on their business. This article from the Harvard Business Review is an interesting perspective asking how you protect your high performers (note to self-employed individuals, you can easily replace this with ‘How are you protecting yourself….”) from burnout.

#MotivationMonday Tip: It’s only Monday. You might be feeling refreshed now from the weekend and even though you absolutely love what you do, don't forget that you need to take time for yourself. Find the time this week to relax, refresh and reset this week! Doesn’t look like you have 15 minutes in your schedule? BOOK the time in for yourself. Even if it’s 5 minutes. 

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And then consider joining the D&Co Peer Advisory Group — we are accepting new members today. Plus, if you join right now you will get access to joining our bonus ‘All Cohort’ meetings too, back in March we hosted Erin Covert, owner of Studio for Mindfulness in Detroit who helped arm our professionals with mindfulness and meditation tools to help avoid burnout (don’t worry, you can still catch the recording when you join the group today - along with ALL the other exclusive presentations!).

#MotivationMonday Tip No. 5

#MotivationMonday Tip No. 5

#MotivationMonday Tip No. 3

#MotivationMonday Tip No. 3